Abacus AP


Lechler Iso Antisil, Anti Silicone Solution/Additive 500ml (09940)

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SKU: L009940
Iso-Antisil Silicon Additive 500ml
SKU: L009940

Abacus AP

Anti-silicone solution. ISO-ANTISIL is a compound avoiding the formation of cratering or fish-eyes, when adding directly to the topcoats in the gun cup in the maximum quantity of 1%. This product becomes effective when carrying out paintworks in environments where silicone particles are suspended in the atmosphere (millionths of milligrams are enough) and settle on the surface to paint; or when carrying out paintworks on surfaces previously treated with silicone-based products (polishes, lubricants, etc.) or when using tools contaminated with silicone substances or with surface-active agents.
SKU: L009940
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Brand Kullar/Lechler
Size 500ml
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